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  • Does this site accept blog post submissions?
    At this time, the site is managed by the author. If interested in submitting a nutrition-related post, contact the author with your idea, brief abstract, and a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles that would be used in your post. If the post proposal meshes with the site's purpose you will receive the green light to proceed. Individuals looking to write a post should fall into one of the following categories: 1) currently enrolled dietetic student 2) currently participating in a dietetic internship 3) maintain a RD or RDN credential All submissions are subject to editing and final approval by author. All submissions are completely voluntary and without monetary compensation.
  • Is the information presented in the nutrition blog evidenced-based?
    Yes. All posts found within the nutrition blog are evidence-based. Resources for each post are included in the post.
  • Is the author of this blog a Registered Dietitian?
    Yes. Question ALL information about nutrition coming from sources other than an RD/RDN and/or someone who is selling a product.
  • Does the author have any conflicts of interest?
    The author is not engaged in any personal or financial relationships that would otherwise bias their decisions in ways detrimental to the best interests of those visiting this site.


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