It's been about a year since I finished my dietetic internship and passed my exam, officially becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Transitioning from education into community/public health has been both challenging and rewarding, depending on the day. One aspect I especially like is how I still get to interact with some of my fellow interns, now RD's as well.
Last week when I met with a school district's Child Nutrition Department to talk about Local Wellness Policy, one of the staff was the person who worked alongside me to create The Hungry Intern Cookbook. Sitting on the shelves, next to their smoothie bike, and alongside their food models, and all kinds of nutrition education and nutrition promotion items...was our cookbook. I have a copy at home, but seeing it there stood out differently than it does on my own bookshelf.
I'm super impressed by my fellow interns, glad that I was part of that particular cohort, and I'm incredibly proud of the cookbook we all put together. I love how people's personalities, cultures, and interests are reflected in the recipes each person chose to include. And, my favorite parts are the little tidbits of information about each person. Because of COVID, our year included a ton of virtual meetings, virtual presentations, and virtual projects. We rarely saw each other in person, and yet we were continually completing project after project together. For me, this cookbook provided some insight into who these people were, and I'm just happy we put it together to showcase this shared experience.
The Maricopa County Department of Public Health Dietetic Internship: 2021